"Coaching Plus!" is a highly effective and specialized approach to personal development, goal realization, and crisis resolution. "Coaching Plus!" opens the door for clients to gain the benefits of coaching, along with the added and important bonus of solution focused frameworks.
My mission through "Coaching Plus!" is to provide my clients with effective, solution oriented experiences that spur action, stimulate positive change, foster healing, and facilitate desired outcomes.
I enjoy collaborating with individuals and couples, helping them to overcome hurdles, resolve issues, transform their relationships, experience healing, and actualize their desired outcomes. It is my joy to offer my clients creative, practical, and proven approaches that help create positive change, unlock new opportunities, and realize desirable outcomes.
My mission through "Coaching Plus!" is to provide my clients with effective, solution oriented experiences that spur action, stimulate positive change, foster healing, and facilitate desired outcomes.
I enjoy collaborating with individuals and couples, helping them to overcome hurdles, resolve issues, transform their relationships, experience healing, and actualize their desired outcomes. It is my joy to offer my clients creative, practical, and proven approaches that help create positive change, unlock new opportunities, and realize desirable outcomes.
Making Peace with Your Past

That childhood abuse. That heartbreaking divorce. The death of a loved one. That absentee father. That chronic illness. That business failure. That betrayal. That rejection. That disappointment. Some wounds are hard to heal. But they CAN heal!! You can heal!
It has been my privilege to work with hundreds of women, helping them resolve losses, repair emotional breaches, regain hope, and reclaim their lives. A new day is possible--a new day awaits you! Click here to book your session.
It has been my privilege to work with hundreds of women, helping them resolve losses, repair emotional breaches, regain hope, and reclaim their lives. A new day is possible--a new day awaits you! Click here to book your session.
Help Her Heal: Champion Your Wife's Recovery

Are you a husband who has betrayed his wife's trust? Are you at a loss as to how to fix what has broken between you? Do you see your wife hurting, but nothing or very little that you do seems to help?
Help is here! I work with hurting husbands, helping and equipping them to heal their wives' hearts, repair the broken trust, and find new footing. Click here to book your session.
(Scroll down to also see "Affair Recovery."
Help is here! I work with hurting husbands, helping and equipping them to heal their wives' hearts, repair the broken trust, and find new footing. Click here to book your session.
(Scroll down to also see "Affair Recovery."
Communication: Building Intimacy through Everyday Interactions

Communication can be frustrating when it is not working, but tremendously fulfilling when it is. The great thing is that communication involves skills that can be learnt and that, with practice, become fluid and easy.
It is my joy to help couples develop the key skills that bring increased bonding and greater marital satisfaction. Click here to book your session.
It is my joy to help couples develop the key skills that bring increased bonding and greater marital satisfaction. Click here to book your session.
Affair Recovery: Healing You, Healing Your Marriage

Betrayal is a devastating blow to a spouse. Thankfully, there is hope and healing after betrayal. Trust can be rebuilt and couples who are willing to put in the work can enjoy the best marriage they have ever had--because they work on their marriage like they never have!
I have come alongside numerous individuals and marriages, helping couples to positively navigate the aftermath of infidelity and to experience a new vibrancy in their relationships. Recovery and healing can be yours! Click here to book your session.
I have come alongside numerous individuals and marriages, helping couples to positively navigate the aftermath of infidelity and to experience a new vibrancy in their relationships. Recovery and healing can be yours! Click here to book your session.
The Rebuilt Marriage
The Rebuilt Marriage is a dynamic 12 week relationship building experience based on proven research and outcomes that help couples transform their marriages in amazing ways.
Personality Portraits
What you don't know about your personality might be undermining your most valuable relationships. Discover how to maximize your innate strengths and effectively target necessary growth areas to powerfully tap into your potential and to enhance your relationships. Click here for details.